Cat Pheromone Diffuser Feliway
Even though people generally call it a pheromone diffuser, there are actually a number of different types of cat pheromone aids. The original feliway, now sold as “classic”, is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone used by cats to mark their territory as safe and secure.
CEVA Animal Health Feliway MultiCat 30 Day Refill Diffuser
Quick view feliway classic cat & kitten stress reducing pheromone 30 day refill.

Cat pheromone diffuser feliway. I discontinued it after 90 days as per the directions. Both are safe for use in the home and may be used around animals, children, plants, antiques, and just about anything else you might have. I recently bought a multi cat a feliway unit and had it plugged in for a few days and noticed it was getting warm.
Feliway is a family of pet care products designed to ease anxiety in cats. You can use a feliway diffuser whenever you have problems with spraying, scratching or anxiety. For instance, if the problem is your cat’s anxiety, the presence of pheromones in a room will make it feel safe.
Quick view feliway classic cat & kitten stress reducing pheromone diffuser+refill starter kit. Urine marking and unwanted scratching. Jan 13, 2008 #2 catcaregiver tcs member.
I tried one when we had guests coming over, it didn't really work but i have heard that could have been because the room was too open and it diffused all over the place, and also we put it out only a day or two before because we forgot to plug it in sooner. Each comes with a pros and cons, and you should find the one that suits your needs best. Feliway ® ® the secret to happy cats feliway comforts and reassures cats and kittens, reducing signs of stress such as urine spraying, scratching, fighting or hiding learn more
When your cat rubs her cheeks on an object, a behavior called bunting, she is rubbing this pheromone on the object. Feliway classic 30 day starter kit or the. The comfort zone cat pheromone diffuser is a twin product, useful for a large house with multiple cats.
I leave it plugged in 24 hours a day, should it be getting this warm? If you travel with your cat, our feliway classic spray provides stress relieve on the go with our 60 ml of feline facial pheromone travel spray. We received the comfort zone feliway for review from
48ml £25.00 add to basket. I was nervous it might start a fire so i unplugged it. The diffuser type is most useful for indoors.
Feliway diffusers are definitely safe, they are happy cat pheromones as i understand it. You should start seeing an improvement in behavior. Each refill can last up to 30 days.
Facts about the feliway diffuser: So no, your cat pheromone product should has no effect on you. Both the feliway and comfort zone pheromone diffusers are designed to make your cat feel calmer, less anxious, and generally a pleasure to be around.
Also, if you have a huge house and one cat diffusers seem to be ineffective then this deal is for you. I had a small emergency and had to take eve to the vet and she’s terrified of the carrier so i picked up a 9oz spray bottle of quiet moments by naturvet. Feliway makes cats happy and helps prevent signs of stress like urine spraying, scratching, fighting or hiding.
Helping a cat handle the stress of visitors better; By mimicking the cat’s natural facial pheromone, feliway creates a state of familiarity and security in the cat’s local environment. Like feliway classic, this product is designed to provide a continuous effect in the environment that it’s in.
Feliway is a synthetic pheromone that copies the exact familiarization facial pheromones of cats which they use to mark objects, people or surroundings. My feliway diffuser is really hot to the touch. Here’s why you should consider going for a feliway diffuser.
Feliway cat and kitten stress reducing optimum diffuser starter kit 48ml. Using a diffuser is the best option if you need feliway for a purpose that’s not specific to a certain area. Our calming feliway pheromone diffusers are clinically proven, vet recommended and are drug and odor free.
There is the diffuser, spray pumps, and collar. The feliway classic diffuser kit includes one diffuser, and one refill vial. Receiving the free product and the review fee did not influence this honest post.
According to the manufacturer, this diffuser is ideal for treating inappropriate marking or stress caused by boarding, environmental changes, introducing a new cat, or temporary stressful situations such as fireworks and thunderstorms. 48ml £30.00 add to basket. Then the feliway multicat feline pheromone diffuser might be helpful at reducing conflict and aggressive behaviors like staring, chasing, blocking, and fighting.
Why feliway diffuser is special. Make sure your diffuser isn't covered by curtains, or behind furniture. I used the comfort/feliway diffuser to reduce tension between my two and it worked quite well.
Order directly on amazon, the very popular: If your cat is having issues like feline aggression or urine spraying or if they have been hiding, then using a pheromone diffuser can help.
Comfort Zone Feliway Diffuser Refills, 6 Pack, For Cat
Pheromone Sprays and PlugIns 134790 Cat Pheromone
FELIWAY MultiCat Diffuser Cats, Calming cat, Cat help
Comfort Zone with Feliway for Cats Diffuser